France: Project Law of the Retirement Reform
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Source : leglobal.lawSeveral projects are under consideration by the Government. First, the pension reform, which was already considered late 2019 but was aborted due to the Covid pandemic. A postponement of the legal retirement age (which is now of 62 and may become 65 or 64) and/or an extension of the contribution period are envisaged. President Macron […] The po... Lire la suite
Belgium: Labour Deal 2022: Right To Disconnect
Publié le : 09/12/2022 09 décembre déc. 12 2022L&E GlobalOne of the measures of the labour deal (Act of 3 October 2022 on various labo...Source :
Belgium: Labour Deal 2022: Evening Work In E-Commerce
Publié le : 09/12/2022 09 décembre déc. 12 2022L&E GlobalThe Belgian government has long been accused of putting e-commerce in the han...Source :
Belgium: Labour Deal 2022: 7-Day Notification Term For Variabel Work Schedules
Publié le : 09/12/2022 09 décembre déc. 12 2022L&E GlobalOn 10 November 2022, the Act of 3 October 2022 on various labour provisions w...Source :
France: Project Law of the Retirement Reform
Publié le : 27/11/2022 27 novembre nov. 11 2022L&E GlobalSeveral projects are under consideration by the Government. First, the pensio...Source :
France: Employee’s Setting his Residence Far Away from the Place of Work
Publié le : 27/11/2022 27 novembre nov. 11 2022L&E GlobalFrench law provides for a legal duty to reimburse 50% of the employee’s subsc...Source :
France: Voted Measures to Increase Workers’ pouvoir d’achat
Publié le : 27/11/2022 27 novembre nov. 11 2022L&E GlobalDuring this summer, plenty of measures have been voted to increase workers’ p...Source :