Do’s & Don’ts | This month: Lump sum agreements
Auteur : Flichy Grangé Avocats
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A popular alternative to the standard 35-hour workweek exists for certain contracts in the form of the lump sum agreement. It allows an employee’s working time to be counted in days over the course of the year (e.g. 218 days per year). It’s popular with executives and has many advantages, but is not without risk.
To avoid this, here are some key do’s and don’ts to bear in mind:
- Do: make sure that the applicable collective bargaining agreement at an industry or company level provides for a lump sum agreement option
- Don’t: think that a contractual agreement alone is sufficient
- Do: make sure that the employee is still respecting the maximum working times set out by law
- Don’t: think that the lump sum agreement is a way for employees to work endless days
- Do: make sure that they disconnect from their work phones and computers during their off time.
- Don’t: forget to ensure that the work/personal life balance remains healthy
- Do: make sure that the salary is sufficient to take into account this work arrangement
- Don’t: apply this to all categories of employees. Many restrictions apply.
Our lawyers are happy to advise you in the drafting of your lump sum agreements, hiring processes, and the execution of your contracts in order to avoid having a lump sum agreement be disputed before the courts.
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