Van Olmen & Wynant: The Consequences of the Coronavirus for Belgian Employers and Employees
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Source : leglobal.orgThe COVID-19 virus can have several consequences for Belgian employers and employees. Below we give a short overview of different aspects to be taken into account. Preventive measures In case the employer wants to take preventive measures to protect his employees against the coronavirus, the health & safety legislation applies. In this respect,... Lire la suite
Van Olmen & Wynant: The Consequences of the Coronavirus for Belgian Employers and Employees
Publié le : 28/02/2020 28 février févr. 02 2020L&E GlobalThe COVID-19 virus can have several consequences for Belgian employers and em...Source :
Employment Guidelines to react to Coronavirus Effects in the Workplace – Suárez de Vivero MEMO
Publié le : 28/02/2020 28 février févr. 02 2020L&E GlobalThe outbreak of coronavirus disease, officially named COVID-19, was first det...Source :
LABLAW announces 8th office in Bologna, Italy
Publié le : 26/02/2020 26 février févr. 02 2020L&E GlobalIn Partnership with the firm of Studio Legale Carinci, the new office is loca...Source :
L&E Global launches Coronavirus in a Flash: Updates, Special Reports and Advice for Employers
Publié le : 25/02/2020 25 février févr. 02 2020L&E GlobalEmployers are currently facing a host of new and unique challenges that are n...Source :
Pusch Wahlig Workplace Law Q&A – Workplace impact of pandemics like the coronavirus
Publié le : 21/02/2020 21 février févr. 02 2020L&E GlobalWe speak of a pandemic when a disease breaks out in an unrestricted manner,...Source :
L&E Global ranked by Chambers Global 2020 as an Elite Global-Wide Employment Law Network
Publié le : 20/02/2020 20 février févr. 02 2020L&E GlobalL&E Global is proud to announce that for the third consecutive year, we have...Source :