Measuring equal pay for women and men: the administration sets the timetable and publishes a calculator for companies with more than 250 employees
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The obligation to publish the index of the gender equality concerns companies with at least 1,000 employees as of March 1, 2019, those with at least 250 employees as of September 1, those of at least 50 employees as of March 1, 2020.
This score is calculated according to numerous indicators published by decree. To make it easier for companies to calculate the index, the Ministry has published an online calculation table for companies with more than 250 employees that includes all the necessary calculation formulas. The tool allows to automatically obtain the result of each of the indicators and the global index, after entering the required data.
The Ministry of Labor has also published the list of referents "equal pay women-men": companies with 50 to 250 employees can appeal to one of these referents to receive support for the calculation of indicators and, where appropriate, the definition of adequate and relevant correction measures.
Measuring equal pay for women and men: the administration sets the timetable and publishes a calculator for companies with more than 250 employees
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