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Do’s & Don’ts | This month: The Macron Reforms

Do’s & Don’ts | This month: The Macron Reforms

Publié le : 02/10/2017 02 octobre oct. 10 2017

It can be tempting to welcome the new reforms by rushing to change company practices. But not everything set out in these decrees has entered into force!
Indeed, it is vital that businesses keep a cool head and transition cautiously into the new era of labour law opened by Macron’s government.
To avoid making some mistakes with the reforms here are some key do’s and don’ts to bear in mind:
Do continue with your professional elections according to their usual calendar.
Don’t stop everything and implement one collective staff institution too early.
Do continue to justify terminations in detail in the dismissal letter, as exhaustively as possible.
Don’t assume that you’ll be able to later change your justification freely because of the reform.
Do exercise caution in your terminations. There are still penalties for discrimination!  
Don’t forget to follow the strict procedure for dismissals. The reform hasn’t changed everything.
Do make sure that you apply the correct dismissal indemnities. The calculations have changed.
Don’t forget to treat employees who telecommute as regular employees.
Our lawyers are ready and willing to advise you in the transition processes that will be necessary in order to adapt to these reforms. 


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