Peru: Summary of Recent Employment Law Developments
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Source : leglobal.orgAuthor: César Puntriano Rosas In the past month, there have been several labour and employment law developments, chief among them: i) an increase in the legal minimum wage; ii) non-working days for public employees; and iii) deadline to regularise migratory status is extended. I. Increase in the Legal Minimum Wage After 4 years, the Legal […] T... Lire la suite
Peru: Summary of Recent Employment Law Developments
Publié le : 20/04/2022 20 avril avr. 04 2022L&E GlobalAuthor: César Puntriano Rosas In the past month, there have been several labo...Source :
Norway: Parliament Repeals the Rule on Access to Temporary Employment
Publié le : 20/04/2022 20 avril avr. 04 2022L&E GlobalAuthor: Kristian Foss Aalmo The main rule under Norwegian law is that employe...Source :
Netherlands: STAP-budget Starting 1 March 2022
Publié le : 20/04/2022 20 avril avr. 04 2022L&E GlobalAs of 1 March 2022, everyone with a connection to the Dutch labour market can...Source :
Netherlands: Illness after Termination Request at UWV does not stand in the way of Termination by the Court
Publié le : 20/04/2022 20 avril avr. 04 2022L&E GlobalAuthors: Ilse van Aert and Lydia Milders On 18 February 2022, the Supreme Cou...Source :
Netherlands: Employee Dismissed for Refusing PCR-Test
Publié le : 20/04/2022 20 avril avr. 04 2022L&E GlobalAuthors: Ilse van Aert and Lydia Milders An after-school childcare centre in...Source :
France: The French People will elect their President on 24 April
Publié le : 20/04/2022 20 avril avr. 04 2022L&E GlobalFrance: The French People will elect their President on 24 April – one may ex...Source :