Loi Rebsamen: new rules for labour-management dialogue
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The new Act of Parliament known as the Loi Rebsamen: new rules for labour-management dialogue.
With the participation of Pierre-André Imbert, Head of Cabinet to the Minister of Labour, Employment, Occupational Training and Labour-Management Dialogue.
- Simplification of staff representative bodies: All firms with a workforce of less than 300 may henceforth elect a Délégation unique du personnel, which may also include the Health & Safety Committee. Provided a collective agreement be signed to that effect, in firms with a workforce of less than 300 the Works Council, staff delegates and Health & Safety Committee may all henceforth form a single body.
- The Works Council and Health & Safety Committee’s operations will be simplified: new rules concerning the frequency of meetings and deadlines for consulting the Health & Safety Committee; videoconferencing; only three consultations annually will now be required, rather than 17.
- Staff representatives: remuneration guaranteed; career-evaluation meeting; gender-balanced representation
- New negotiating rules: mandatory annual negotiations over three issues; negotiations where there are no trades-union delegates
- For very small businesses, regional joint labour-management committees to be set up: access to companies, operating costs, protected status of members
- Employees on the Board of Directors: henceforth this applies to companies with a workforce of over 1,000, rather than to those with a workforce of over 5,000.
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